November Astrology Forecast: Power, Transformation, and Rebirth

November Astrology Forecast: Power, Transformation, and Rebirth

November invites us into a deep transformative process, one that asks us to embrace both endings and new beginnings. With Scorpio and Pluto themes running through the month, the energy is intense, but also rich with potential for profound growth. The shifts happening now, especially with Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius, are seismic and will unfold over many years, reshaping both personal and collective realities.

Detailed Breakdown of the Astrology for November 2024

1st November: Scorpio New Moon & Mercury in Scorpio Trine Retrograde Neptune in Pisces

We begin with the depth of the Scorpio New Moon—a time for setting intentions that cut to the core of your emotional truth. Scorpio thrives in the unseen realms, asking us to plant seeds that will later emerge transformed. As Mercury in Scorpio forms a trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces, a mystical, intuitive energy flows through the collective. Secrets rise to the surface, but Neptune’s retrograde suggests they may still be cloaked in fog. Trust your inner knowing rather than what is spoken aloud.

2nd–3rd November: Mercury Trines & Oppositions, Venus Opposite Jupiter

Mercury dances through intense aspects, first harmonising with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, then moving into adventurous Sagittarius. This creates a push-and-pull between emotional clarity and the desire to seek out higher truths. The tension between Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn heightens emotional conflicts, but also offers the power to transcend them through transformation.

 Venus in Sagittarius opposes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini on the 3rd, stretching our relationships and values. This aspect may present us with too many options, leaving us scattered or overstretched. It’s a moment of exaggerated optimism, asking you to discern what truly aligns with your heart rather than chasing illusions.

4th–7th November: Sun Trines Saturn, Mars Moves to Leo, Mercury Shadow Begins

As the Sun in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde in Pisces, there’s an opportunity to ground your transformative desires into practical form. Mars shifting into fiery Leo signals a surge of courage and self-expression. However, with Mercury entering its retrograde shadow in Sagittarius on the 7th, communication and travel plans start to feel the upcoming retrograde pull. Consider this a preview of what will need to be reviewed or revisited in the coming weeks.

 9th–12th November: Venus in Capricorn & Mercury Squares Saturn

 Venus’ move into Capricorn on the 11th brings a sobering influence to relationships and finances. This placement values commitment, loyalty, and practical love. But on the 12th, Mercury squares retrograde Saturn in Pisces, creating mental tension or delays. The key here is patience—Saturn demands that you take a realistic, step-by-step approach, even if it feels frustrating.

15th November: Saturn Direct & Taurus Full Moon

 The Taurus Full Moon on the 15th illuminates themes of security, stability, and material abundance, shining a light on what has grown from seeds planted earlier in the year. With Saturn stationing direct in Pisces, the structures we’ve been reflecting on since June begin to solidify. This is a significant turning point for long-term commitments, but be prepared for some emotional intensity as the Moon opposes the Sun in deep Scorpio.

19th November: Pluto Moves Into Aquarius – A Momentous Shift

One of the most significant events this month, Pluto re-enters Aquarius, marking a monumental societal shift that we won’t experience again in our lifetimes. Pluto in Aquarius signals collective transformation on a global scale, particularly around technology, community, and power structures. This is a generational transit, and its impact will unfold over time, but pay close attention to what begins to stir around this date. Themes of rebellion, innovation, and revolution are on the horizon.

21st–23rd November: Sun Moves into Sagittarius & Mars Trines the North Node

The Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius on the 21st shifts the energy from Scorpio’s depths to Sagittarius’ expansiveness. Optimism returns, and there’s a thirst for adventure, exploration, and wisdom. As the Sun sextiles Pluto and Mars trines the North Node, we are presented with opportunities to align with our higher purpose. Mars in Leo’s trine with the North Node in Aries on the 23rd is a call to take bold, courageous action towards your destiny.

26th–27th November: Mercury Retrograde & Sun Trines Mars

Mercury stations retrograde on the 26th at 22° Sagittarius, beginning a three-week period of introspection, particularly around beliefs, travel, and communication. Reconsider your direction, and be mindful of old patterns that resurface for review. But don’t worry—this is not a time for stagnation. As the Sun in Sagittarius trines Mars in Leo on the 27th, a fire is lit under your feet, encouraging you to move forward with confidence, even in the face of retrograde delays.

As we close out the month with Mercury retrograde, it’s a time to pause, reflect, and recalibrate. Trust that whatever falls away now is making space for the new, and that the cosmos is aligning you with your true path—even if it requires some detours along the way. 

Natal Chart Astrology Consult - Jessica and the Moon

Horoscopes for November

(Read for your rising sign, or your sun sign, or moon sign, if you don't know your rising).

Aries Rising: 8th House Focus: Deep Transformation and Shared Resources

With Scorpio ruling your 8th house, November is a time to dive deep into matters of shared finances, intimacy, and personal transformation. The New Moon on the 1st offers a chance to reset these areas, whether through investments, paying off debts, or emotional healing. However, Mercury’s trine to Neptune suggests hidden information or a need to trust your intuition when dealing with money and others’ resources.

Mars, your ruling planet, moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy on the 4th. You’ll feel a surge of energy in romantic or creative projects. Expect powerful encounters as Venus squares Neptune in your 9th house on the 9th, which could create confusion or romantic idealism, especially involving people from different backgrounds or philosophies.

 Pluto’s monumental move into your 11th house signals a long-term shift in your friendships and the groups you associate with. You might become more selective, desiring deeper and more transformative connections with your social circle.

Key Advice: Embrace financial and emotional transformation, but watch for unclear boundaries in relationships or creative collaborations.


Taurus Rising: 7th House Focus: Relationships and Long-Term Commitments

November opens with intense focus on your 7th house of partnerships. The New Moon in Scorpio brings opportunities to begin new relationships or deepen existing ones. This could be an excellent time for commitments or negotiations, but with Neptune in your 11th house, be cautious of mixed signals in friendships turning into romantic entanglements.

The tension between Mars in your 4th house and Pluto on the 3rd points to a potential power struggle between home responsibilities and career ambitions. Mars entering your 4th house may stir up family dynamics, but by mid-month, when Pluto enters your 10th house, your career could undergo significant long-term transformation, especially in terms of authority or public reputation.

Venus enters your 9th house of higher learning on the 11th, encouraging exploration through travel or education. However, squares to Saturn from Mercury suggest some restrictions or serious considerations regarding studies or legal matters.

Key Advice: Focus on building relationships that feel both emotionally fulfilling and practically secure. Long-term career transformation is looming, so stay grounded at home.

Gemini Rising: 6th House Focus: Health, Work, and Routines

Scorpio season shines a light on your 6th house, urging you to rethink your daily habits, health, and work life. The New Moon on the 1st is a perfect time to start new routines, perhaps linked to emotional wellness, given the deep psychological associations of Scorpio. Mercury’s trines to Neptune could help you combine imagination with practicality in your work life, though be wary of health issues that are difficult to diagnose or elusive at this time.

Mars moves into your 3rd house of communication, giving you energy to tackle new writing or speaking projects. Watch for tensions with neighbours or siblings though, as Mars here can be a bit combative.

When Pluto enters your 9th house, your worldview will undergo deep transformation over the coming years. This could mean radical shifts in your beliefs, interest in occult studies, or powerful experiences through travel.

Key Advice: Commit to improving your health and work habits—this month offers breakthroughs in areas of service, but Pluto’s long-term influence on your beliefs will slowly shift your philosophical outlook.

Cancer Rising: 5th House Focus: Creativity, Pleasure, and Children

November brings a powerful focus to your 5th house of creativity, romance, and pleasure. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st is the perfect moment to start a new passion project or deepen your connection with a lover. There is a mysterious, almost fated energy around your romantic life, and with Mercury in this house trining Neptune, you could be deeply inspired. However, be careful of over-romanticising relationships.

Mars moves into your 2nd house on the 4th, energising your financial life. You may feel a strong urge to make bold financial moves, but the opposition to Pluto on the 3rd signals possible power struggles or intense transformations in how you earn and spend.

Venus moving into Capricorn on the 11th brings harmony to your 7th house of relationships. This is a great time for building solid, committed partnerships, but expect challenges on the 16th when Venus squares the North Node in your 10th house, pushing you to balance personal relationships with career ambitions.

Key Advice: Explore your creative side and make bold financial decisions, but watch for power dynamics in your partnerships and career.

Leo Rising: 4th House Focus: Home, Family, and Emotional Foundations

The focus in November is on your 4th house of home and family, with the Scorpio New Moon on the 1st offering a fresh start in domestic matters. Whether you’re considering moving, redecorating, or diving into family healing, this is the time to set intentions for emotional security. Mercury’s trine to Neptune might reveal hidden family issues, or bring healing through intuition and empathy.

Mars entering your 1st house on the 4th gives you a burst of energy and confidence to tackle personal projects, but with the opposition to Pluto, you may find yourself facing power struggles in your relationships.

The biggest change comes when Pluto enters your 7th house of partnerships, signalling a profound transformation in your one-on-one relationships. Over the coming years, you’ll experience deep shifts in how you relate to others—some partnerships may end, while others will be reborn.

Key Advice: Focus on your emotional roots and family relationships, while using Mars’ energy to power through personal projects. Long-term changes in partnerships are inevitable—embrace them with courage.

Virgo Rising: 3rd House Focus: Communication, Learning, and Local Environment

November’s focus on Scorpio energises your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and short-distance travel. The New Moon on the 1st is a good time to start new projects involving writing, teaching, or studying. Mercury in Scorpio’s trine to Neptune brings a creative, dreamy energy to your communications, but be careful with miscommunication or misunderstandings.

Mars moves into your 12th house on the 4th, energising your subconscious mind and potentially stirring up hidden conflicts. This could lead to restless nights or a desire to work behind the scenes on private projects. When Pluto enters your 6th house, long-term changes around work and health will begin to unfold.

Venus moving into your 5th house of romance and creativity on the 11th invites joy and pleasure into your life. You may feel drawn to creative self-expression or deep romantic connections, but squares to the North Node in your 8th house suggest potential conflicts between love and shared resources.

Key Advice: Use this month to hone your communication skills and explore creative outlets. Long-term shifts in your daily routines and work are on the horizon.

Libra Rising: 2nd House Focus: Money, Values, and Resources

With Scorpio lighting up your 2nd house of finances and personal resources, November is a pivotal time for rethinking how you earn, spend, and manage your material world. The New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st offers an opportunity for a fresh financial start—this could mean reworking your budget or investing in something that aligns with your deeper values. With Mercury in this house trining Neptune, you may feel drawn to use your resources creatively or charitably, though Neptune’s influence could blur boundaries, so be mindful of overspending or unclear agreements.

Mars moves into your 11th house of friendships and long-term goals on the 4th, bringing energy and drive to group projects or social causes. Be aware of power struggles around the 3rd, when Mars opposes Pluto in your 4th house of home and family—there may be tension between your personal ambitions and domestic responsibilities.

As Pluto moves into your 5th house, expect a long-term transformation in your creative life, romantic relationships, or matters involving children. This marks the beginning of a powerful shift in how you express your joy and passion.

Key Advice: Review your finances and align them with your deeper values. Be open to transformative experiences in your creative life or romantic world.

Scorpio Rising: 1st House Focus: Identity, Self-Image, and Personal Power

With the spotlight on your 1st house of identity and self-expression, November is all about personal transformation. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st is your annual cosmic reset—a chance to redefine how you show up in the world. This is a potent time to focus on your physical body, personal goals, and appearance. Mercury’s trine to Neptune could inspire spiritual or creative insights into your self-image, but avoid being overly idealistic or losing sight of practicality.

Mars moves into your 10th house of career and public reputation on the 4th, propelling you to make bold moves in your professional life. However, Mars’ opposition to Pluto suggests potential power struggles with authority figures or challenges in balancing career ambitions with personal transformation.

The massive shift comes with Pluto entering your 4th house of home and family, initiating a long-term transformation in your domestic life. Family dynamics or your sense of emotional security will undergo deep and lasting changes, pushing you to rework your foundations from the ground up.

Key Advice: Embrace personal transformation and boldly step into your power, but be mindful of potential tensions in your career and home life.

Sagittarius Rising: 12th House Focus: Spirituality, Solitude, and Healing

November draws your attention to the mystical and hidden realms of your 12th house, a space for introspection, healing, and spiritual growth. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st is a time to set intentions for releasing self-sabotaging patterns and embracing solitude for renewal. This period could bring deep psychological insights, especially with Mercury trining Neptune, blending intuition with your inner work. Just be cautious of over-idealising your spiritual path or losing yourself in unrealistic dreams.

Mars entering your 9th house of higher learning on the 4th activates your thirst for adventure, travel, and philosophical exploration. You’ll feel energised to pursue new knowledge or expand your horizons, but tension between your private world and desire for adventure could surface with Mars opposing Pluto.

Pluto’s entrance into your 3rd house brings a transformative focus to communication, learning, and your local environment. Over the coming years, you’ll experience profound shifts in how you think, speak, and interact with your immediate surroundings.

Key Advice: Embrace solitude and healing, but use your energy to expand your mind and deepen your knowledge. Long-term changes in how you communicate and learn are on the horizon.

Capricorn Rising: 11th House Focus: Friendships, Networks, and Long-Term Goals

Scorpio season energises your 11th house of friendships, community, and long-term aspirations. The New Moon on the 1st offers a fresh start in your social life or with group projects—this could be a time to align yourself with new networks or causes that resonate with your deeper goals. Mercury’s trine to Neptune inspires idealism in these areas, though it’s important to keep your visions grounded in reality to avoid confusion or miscommunication.

Mars moves into your 8th house on the 4th, stirring up intense energy around shared resources, debts, or psychological transformation. Be prepared for potential power struggles or emotional intensity, especially around the 3rd, when Mars opposes Pluto in your 1st house of self. This may reflect tension between your personal will and the need to cooperate with others.

Pluto’s move into your 2nd house marks the beginning of a profound shift in how you manage your personal resources, finances, and self-worth. Over the coming years, expect deep transformations in your material world, possibly tied to a shift in your values.

Key Advice: Align with groups and causes that reflect your long-term goals. Prepare for deep, lasting changes in how you manage your resources and relate to your self-worth.

Aquarius Rising: 10th House Focus: Career, Public Life, and Authority

November spotlights your 10th house of career and public standing, making it a key month for professional transformation. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st offers a fresh start in your career or reputation, whether this means pursuing a new path or reworking existing professional goals. Mercury’s trine to Neptune in your 2nd house suggests that financial decisions related to your career could benefit from intuition, but make sure you stay practical to avoid over-idealising opportunities.

Mars enters your 7th house of partnerships on the 4th, adding passion or potential conflict to your one-on-one relationships. Mars’ opposition to Pluto on the 3rd could surface power struggles within relationships, especially those involving professional or public dynamics.

Pluto’s move into your 1st house is monumental—this marks the beginning of a profound personal transformation that will unfold over the coming years. You’ll feel a deep internal shift in how you express power, authority, and authenticity.

Key Advice: Focus on building your professional legacy while navigating intense relationship dynamics. The long-term transformation of your identity is beginning—embrace your evolving sense of personal power.

Pisces Rising: 9th House Focus: Beliefs, Travel, and Higher Learning

November brings a powerful focus on your 9th house of travel, philosophy, and higher learning. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st is a great time to embark on a new educational journey, spiritual practice, or even consider travel to broaden your perspective. With Mercury in this house trining Neptune in your 1st house, you’ll feel particularly inspired, as your spiritual and personal ideals align. However, don’t let lofty dreams cloud your judgment—stay grounded in practicality.

Mars moves into your 6th house of health and daily routines on the 4th, energising you to improve your physical well-being and work habits. Watch for burnout, though, as Mars in this house can lead to overexertion.

Pluto’s entrance into your 12th house begins a long-term transformation in your subconscious and spiritual life. You’ll be drawn to deep psychological work, healing old wounds, and possibly uncovering hidden aspects of yourself.

Key Advice: Seek wisdom through education, travel, or spiritual exploration. Long-term transformation in your inner life and healing journey is beginning—take this time to connect with your deepest truths.

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