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Um über alle neuen Angebote und Events auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, abonnieren Sie am besten die Moonday Magic Mail . Dies ist eine kostenlose wöchentliche E-Mail mit den wichtigsten astrologischen Ereignissen der Woche sowie praktischen Vorschlägen und Tagebuchanregungen für die Arbeit mit der Energie.
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Magische Post zum Mondtag
Jeden Montag (Mondtag) sende ich eine Nachricht mit der Astrologie und Energie für die Woche, einschließlich praktischer Ideen, wie man am besten mit der Energie arbeitet.
Abonnieren Sie „Jessica and the Moon“ auf YouTubeAuf meinem YouTube-Kanal veröffentliche ich regelmäßig Lehrvideos über Astrologie, Tarot und die Arbeit mit göttlicher weiblicher Energie.
Sie können sich anmelden, um Benachrichtigungen zu erhalten, wenn ich neue Videos poste.
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Treten Sie dem Circle of Kindreds beiEine kostenlose Online-Community für Hexen und Suchende, die mit anderen Frauen auf ähnlichen Wegen in Kontakt treten möchten.
Herunterladen Waking Mama Luna„Eine Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten, jede für sich ein Schatz voller Weisheit und einem eindringlichen, überirdischen Gefühl. Diese Geschichten und ihre Wahrheiten sind täuschend einfach geschrieben und werden sich in Ihr Gedächtnis einprägen und Ihr Herz berühren.“
Lucy H. Pearce , Autorin von „Reaching for the Moon“ und „Moon Time“.
Kostenloser Geburtshoroskop-Rechner

Unter den Ebereschen
Ein weiteres tolles Schreibwarenunternehmen ist Under the Rowan Trees. Das von einer Frau geführte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Großbritannien ist ideal, um Schreibwaren und Journalzubehör zu kaufen, wenn Sie wie...
Unter den Ebereschen
Ein weiteres tolles Schreibwarenunternehmen ist Under the Rowan Trees. Das von einer Frau geführte Unternehmen mit Sitz in Großbritannien ist ideal, um Schreibwaren und Journalzubehör zu kaufen, wenn Sie wie...

Schreibwaren Pal
Ich habe kürzlich mit Stationery Pal zusammengearbeitet, um ein Haul- und Giveaway-Video für meinen YouTube-Kanal zu erstellen. Das ist ein Dropshipping-Unternehmen, das RIESIGE Mengen an Schreibwaren verkauft, darunter Washi-Tapes, Aufkleber,...
Schreibwaren Pal
Ich habe kürzlich mit Stationery Pal zusammengearbeitet, um ein Haul- und Giveaway-Video für meinen YouTube-Kanal zu erstellen. Das ist ein Dropshipping-Unternehmen, das RIESIGE Mengen an Schreibwaren verkauft, darunter Washi-Tapes, Aufkleber,...
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March 2025 Astrology Forecast: Eclipse Season &...
March brings us into a month of profound shifts, resets, and whole new beginnings. With eclipse season beginning in Virgo and Aries, Venus and Mercury both retrograde, and Neptune’s historic ingress...
March 2025 Astrology Forecast: Eclipse Season &...
March brings us into a month of profound shifts, resets, and whole new beginnings. With eclipse season beginning in Virgo and Aries, Venus and Mercury both retrograde, and Neptune’s historic ingress...
Freyja: Fierce Love, Magic, and Transformation
Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war, is a figure of deep passion and even deeper transformation. In a pantheon full of dramatic myths and mighty deities, Freyja...
Freyja: Fierce Love, Magic, and Transformation
Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and war, is a figure of deep passion and even deeper transformation. In a pantheon full of dramatic myths and mighty deities, Freyja...
February 2025 Astrology Forecast: A Month of De...
As the wheel of the year turns again, February invites us to embrace the sacred in daily life, trust in the natural flow of events, and courageously shine our unique...
February 2025 Astrology Forecast: A Month of De...
As the wheel of the year turns again, February invites us to embrace the sacred in daily life, trust in the natural flow of events, and courageously shine our unique...
Aktuelle astrologische Transite & Mondphase und -zeichen
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Erkunden Sie Ihr kostenloses Geburtshoroskop mit dem Geburtshoroskop-Rechner . |
Let customers speak for us
from 46 reviewsJessica puts a lot of thought and energy into her work. You can tell that she enjoys what she does.

The new moon, full moon, and goddess printouts are fabulous and times so nicely that i always have something to focus on and learn through the moonth. I love the quality and love that goes into each booklet. Thank you!

The moonwise membership is wonderful community of like people, where we can grow and learn from each other. I have learnt so much already and love going to the dark moon journalling circle with everyone.

Jessica really did me a solid by making a year ahead reading available, as she is often booked up for a very good reason.
Jessica is great at giving personable, accessible astrological information to a layperson or a seasoned astro reader, alike. It is art, a dance between interpretation and the communication of a chart, a dance not every professional astrological reader is able to do.
My friend deeply appreciates her reading, we have discussed the themes that are evidently making themselves known in the moment and how those themes will play out over her year. She even sent it to another friend who booked their own reading, straight away. In my friend's words " the video reading has helped my trust in my own motivations and confidence in my choices, going forward."
As a present, I kinda knocked it out the park, ha. Next year I will probably buy her a bunch of flowers 💐.

I have certified focus issues, which manifest as all of the attention on all of the things at all of the time. I can hyperfocus on one area, get overwhelmed, put it down and never pick it up again. I also like to go big.
Jessica's book, has helped me to review last year's journey with gratitude, not just focusing on what was painful. And helped to set up this year with intention.
I haven't finished it, I got distracted....
As it is a digital version I could print off the various pages as an when to give me that physical focus point I need. Only my printer is broken. ahem.
That's it. I will recommend for anyone thinking of buying the updated version later this year for next.

I found Jessica’s year ahead astrology report packed full of relatable themes and Jessica’s explantations, interpretations and insights really gave me a deeper understanding of my chart and really resonated with what’s playing out for me this past couple of years. Jessica has met me where I’m at perfectly and has given me some great pointers for the year ahead. I’ve taken notes, journaled and I’m looking forward to reflecting on my reading throughout the year. Also really like the pic of the chart with handwritten notes on, going to print that out for the shadow work journal! Thank you so much Jessica. Much love and gratitude.

I love these cyclic resources to help us align the flow of the lunar cycle with our intentions and daily life. This is a wonderful value in the Moonwise community.

My type of information-loved this guide.

A wonderful article, full of informative insights, it’s very well written, and a joy to add to my collection of other articles written by Jessica.

If you're considering joining MoonWise, go for it! I have found this membership transformative. Jessica has an incredible talent for helping you gain insights and reach realisations you didn’t even know you needed. When you do, everything becomes clearer and easier to grasp.
With a welcoming community, an abundance of resources, and her gentle, approachable demeanour, Jessica’s MoonWise Membership is a must-have. I only wish I had found it sooner!
I’ve also signed up for her astrology course, which offers a rich introduction to the subject—I’m absolutely loving it.

I came across Jessica via UTube. The initial subscription to the Moonday Magic email gave a lovely overview of the upcoming week. I was keen to discover more and have since joined her Moonwise membership and her Astrology course. At all times I am aware of the wealth of knowledge that Jessica possesses and the real care with which she responds to comments and queries. A genuinely lovely person.

My reading felt super spot-on and I loved it. I'm really excited to work with the goddess that stepped forward for me in 2025.

This is the second year I’ve purchased the goddess guide. This year I’ve spent more time being mindful of what I’ve read and learned from Jessica’s newsletter and videos. Even joined the monthly membership, and this year’s goddess guide really underscores recurring themes I’ve observed this year. Really excited to see how this year’s goddess helps me navigate the new year with more confidence and energy. Highly recommend to help with yearly planning and goal setting!